

Homepage of Zongying Lai(English, 中文)

Ph.D. candidate
1) Department of Communication Engineering and 2) Research Center of Magnetic Resonance and Medical Imaging, Xiamen University.
Email: zongyinglai@foxmail.com
Computational Sensing Group at Xiamen University

Biosketch Research interests Education Participant in Project Working Experiences Award Recent Publication Patents


Lai Zongying is a PhD candidate of Department of Communication Engieering at Xiamen University in China.

Research Interests
d Image processing d Sparse codeing and Compressed Sensing
d fast MRI reconstruction    
d Workshop on MR Image Reconstruction (01/03/2013-03/03/2013) Shenzhen, China.

Ph.D. (Sept. 2012-current)
Signal and information processing. Department of Communication Engineering, Xiamen University, China.
Advisor: Prof. Zhong Chen, Qu Xiaobo

d M.S. Candidate (Sept. 2007-Sept. 2010) 
Major : Signal and Information Processing.School of Information science and Engineering, Xinjiang University, China.
Advisor: Askar Hamdulla

B.S. (Sept. 2003-June 2007)
Major : Communication  Engineering. School of Information science and Engineering,Xinjiang University,China

Participant in Project
National Natural Science Foundation of China (08/2012-current )
: Sparsity-based high-resolution image reconstruction in fast controllable spatially encoding MRI  (No. 61201045, Principal Investigator: Xiaobo Qu )

Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province of China (04/2015-current)
Project: Joint sparse reconstruction for fast multimodality MRI (No. 2015J01346, Principal Investigator: Xiaobo Qu )

Shanhai Fund of Xiamen University (01/2013-current)
Project: Fast and high-resolution magnetic resonance microscopy with sparse signal processing  (No. 2013SH002,  Principal Investigator: Xiaobo Qu )

National Natural Science Foundation of China (09/2013-current)
Project: Ultrafast spatial-temporal four dimensional magnetic resonance spectroscopy imaging technology (No. 11375147, Principal Investigator: Zhong Chen)

Working Experiences

Part-time teacher (03/2009-06/2009)
Xinjiang institute of light industry technology

Police (09/2010-11/2011)
Chongqing public security bureau
2004. 12, The Second Prize Scholarship in Xinjiang University;
Recent Publications (#denotes co-first authorship)
(1) Journal papers
d Lai Z.#,  Qu X#*, Liu Y., Guo D., Ye J., Zhan Z., Chen Z.*. Image reconstruction of compressed sensing MRI using graph-based redundant wavelet transform, Medical Image Analysis, DOI: 10.1016/j.media.2015.05.012, 2015.
d Li Q., Qu X.*, Liu Y., Guo D., Lai Z., Ye J., Chen Z., Accelerating patch-based directional wavelets with multicore parallel computing in compressed sensing MRIMagnetic Resonance Imaging, 33(5): 649-658, 2015.
d Lai Z., Askar Hamdulla, Image Clutter Suppression Method Based on Wavelet Domain HMT,Computer Engineering,37(2):215-217,2011;
(2) Conference abstract
d Lai Z., Liu Y., Guo D., Ye J., Zhan Z., Chen Z., Qu X.*. Graph-based compressed sensing MRI image reconstruction: View image patch as a vertex on graph, pp. 3415, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 23rd Scientific Meeting. Milanno-ISMRM’15, Toronto, Canada, May 30-June 5, 2015.
d Qu X.*, Liu Y., Guo D., Lai Z., Zhan Z., Chen Z.. Adaptive sparse representation and fast computation in compressed sensing MRI, International Society of Magnetic Resonance-ISMAR’15,16th - 21th, August, 2015. (Oral presentation).

屈小波, 李磊, 赖宗英, 陈忠. 一种基于相似块的图像融合方法,2013年8月,中国发明专利,公开号:CN 103247042 A