Tan Hejuan


Homepage of Hejuan Tan(English, 中文)

Graduate Student
Artifical Intelligence,Institute of Artifical Intelligence, Xiamen University.
Email: KKong_T@outlook.com
Computational Sensing Group at Xiamen University.

Biosketch Research interests Education Research and Teaching Experiences Selected Awards Professional Skills Recent Publications Patents


The Master degree candidate of Institute of Artifical Intelligence, Xiamen University, China.

Research Interests
d Image Reconstruction d Machine learning,Deep learning
d Graduate Student (Sept. 2022-Current)Postgraduate recommendation without examination 
Advisor: Xiaobo Qu
Artifical Intelligence, Institute of Artifical Intelligence, Xiamen University, China

B.S. (Sept. 2018-June 2022)
Information Management and Information System, SouthWestern University of Finance and Economics, China

Research and Teaching Experiences
Selected Wards

07/2021, 2020-2021 14th National College Students Computer Design Competition, National Second Prize


05/2021, 2020-2021 16th Citi Financial Innovation Application Competition, National Second Prize.


05/2021, 2020-2021 National College Students "Internet+" Innovation Contest and the 8th "Catch" National College Students Internet Software Design Contest, National Second Prize.


09/2019, 2019 China Undergraduate Mathematical Contest in Modeling, Sichuan First Prize.

Professional Skills
Deep learning framework: Tensorflow
Mastered programming languages: Python
Recent Publications