

Homepage of Jing Ye (English, 中文)

Graduate Student
1) Department of Electronic Science and 2) Research Center of Magnetic Resonance and Medical Imaging, Xiamen University.
Computational Sensing Group at Xiamen University

Biosketch Research interests Education Engaged Project Awards Publications Patents


Jing Ye is a graduate stuednt of Department of Electronic Science at Xiamen University in China.

Research Interests
d Medical image and NMR spectra processing & Parallel computation.
d Graduate Student (Postgraduate recommendation without examination) (2013-2016)
Advisor: Prof. Zhong Chen, Xiaobo Qu.
Department of Electronic Science, Xiamen University, China.

B.S. (Sept. 2009-June 2013)
Department of Electronic Science, Xiamen University, China.

Engaged Projects
National Natural Science Foundation of China (01/2014-12/2017 )
: Ultrafast spatial-temporal four dimensional magnetic resonance spectroscopy imaging technology. (No. 11375147)
National Natural Science Foundation of China (08/2012-12/2015 )
: Sparsity-based high-resolution image reconstruction in fast controllable spatially encoding MRI.  (No. 61201045, Principal Investigator: Xiaobo Qu )

Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province of China (04/2015-04/2018)
Project: Joint sparse reconstruction for fast multimodality MRI. (No. 2015J01346, Principal Investigator: Xiaobo Qu )

Shanhai Fund of Xiamen University (01/2013-12/2015)
Project: Fast and high-resolution magnetic resonance microscopy with sparse signal processing.  (No. 2013SH002,  Principal Investigator: Xiaobo Qu )

12/2014, Outstanding student cadres, Xiamen University.
06/2013, Outstanding Graduates Award, Xiamen University.
06/2013, First Prize Award, Xiamen University.
04/2013, Excellent League member, Xiamen University.
12/2012, National Scholarships, Ministry of Education, China.
12/2012, Outstanding student cadres, Xiamen University.
04/2012, Yang Rongrong Scholarship Award, Xiamen University.
12/2011, Triple-A Student, Xiamen University.
12/2011, Second Prize Award, Xiamen University.
12/2011, Excellent member of summer social practice team, Xiamen University.
12/2010, Third Prize Award, Xiamen University.
12/2010, Second Prize Award of Poster design, Xiamen University.
(1) Journal Papers
d Jing Ye, Xiaobo Qu*, Hua Guo, Yunsong Liu, Di Guo, Zhong Chen, Patch-based Directional Redundant Wavelets in Compressed sensing parallel MRI with radial sampling trajectory, Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, 6:387-398, 2016. (SCI, JCR4, IF 0.64)
d Zongying Lai, Xiaobo Qu*, Yunsong Liu, Di Guo, Jing Ye, Zhifang Zhan, Zhong Chen*. Image reconstruction of compressed sensing MRI using graph-based redundant wavelet transform, Medical Image Analysis, DOI: 10.1016/, 2016. (SCI, JCR1, IF 4.087)
d Yunsong Liu, Jian-Feng Cai, Zhifang Zhan, Di Guo, Jing Ye, Zhong Chen, Xiaobo Qu. Balanced sparse model for tight frames in compressed sensing magnetic resonance imaging, PLoS ONE, 10(4): e0119584, 2015. (SCI, JCR3, IF 3.53)
d Qiyue Li, Xiaobo Qu, Yunsong Liu, Di Guo, Zongying Lai, Jing Ye, Zhong Chen, Accelerating patch-based directional wavelets with multicore parallel computing in compressed sensing MRI, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 33(5):649-658, 2015. (SCI, JCR4, IF 2.02)
d Qiyue Li, Xiaobo Qu*, Yunsong Liu, Di Guo, Jing Ye, Zhifang Zhan and Zhong Chen*. Parallel computing of patch-based nonlocal operator and its application in compressed sensing MRI, Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, Volume 2014, Article ID 257435, 2014. (SCI, JCR4, IF 1.02)
(2) Conference Abstracts
d Yao Xiao, Jing Ye, Di Guo, Zhong Chen, Xiaobo Qu*. An Image Reconstruction Software for Compressed Sensing MRI, International Society of Magnetic Resonance-ISMAR’15, 16th - 21th, August, 2015. (Oral presentation)
d Xiaobo Qu*, Yunsong Liu, Jing Ye, Di Guo, Zhifang Zhan, Zhong Chen. A fast algorithm for tight frame-based nonlocal transform in compressed sensing MRI, pp. 3411, International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine 23rd Scientific Meeting. Milanno-ISMRM’15, Toronto, Canada, May 30-June 5, 2015.
d Jing Ye, Yunsong Liu, Di Guo, Feng Huang, Hua Guo, Zhifang Zhan, Zhifang Lai, Zhong Chen*, and Xiaobo Qu*. Patch-Based Directional Wavelets in Compressed Sensing Parallel MRI with NUFFT. 18th Chinese National Magnetic Resonance Conference, oral presentation, 2014.
d Yunsong Liu, Zhifang Zhan, Jiang-Feng Cai, Jing Ye, Zhong Chen, Xiaobo Qu*. Balance sparsity model for tight-frame representation in compressed sensing MRI, 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging-ISBI’14, conference abstract, 2014.
d 06/2014, Jian He, Weiquan Ni, Jing Ye, Xianguang Fan, Jun Liang, Guokun Liu, etc. A device to volatile extraction. National Utility Model, No. ZL 2013 2 0884959.7.
d 09/2011, Jing Ye. An inductor of filter. National Utility Model, No. ZL 2011 2 0066588.2.