Homepage of Xin Wang(English, 涓枃)



Senior Engineer
Department of Electronic Science,School of Electronic Science and Engineering (National Model Microelectronics College), Xiamen University.
Email: wx<at>xmu.edu.cn
Office: Room 113, Physics and Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Building, Haiyun Campus, Xiamen University.



Research interests


Research Experiences

Teaching Experiences




Xin Wang, graduated from the Department of Chemistry, Xiamen University. His advisor is the former vice president of the Institute of Chemistry, Professor Daiwei Liao. He is now a senior engineer at School of physics and technology of Xiamen University, as well as a secretary in Analysis and Testing Center of Xiamen University (responsible for the laboratory measurement certification work). He is also a member of Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory of Plasma and Magnetic Resonance and Fujian Semiconductor Lighting Engineering Technology Center. He has published 8 papers in some well-known academic journals at home and abroad, such as J Solid State Electrochem. He has been authorized two National Invention Patents and one Utility Model Patent. He has participated in nearly eight National Natural Science Fund and other projects.
Research Interests
d Electrochemical - Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

M.S. (2004-2007)
Xiamen University
Advisor: Prof. Daiwei Liao


B.S. (2000-2004)
HuBei University

Research Experiences
d ATT-Gold nanoparticle nuclear magnetic resonance diffusion spectroscopy(Horizontal topics)锛�2016.7-2017.7锛�
Teaching Experiences
Nuclear magnetic resonance experiment
Sep. 2009, Nuclear Resonance Center Excellence Worker of Xiamen University
Jun. 2007, Outstanding graduates of Xiamen University
Jun. 2004, Outstanding graduates of Hubei University
Recent Publications (Asterisk (*) indicates the corresponding author)
(1) Journal papers
d Fu XZ*锛�Wang X锛孡iao DW.Low temperature synthesis of LiNiO2 @ LiCoO2 as cathode materials for lithium ion batteries锛� J Solid State Electrochem, 14 (6):1117鈥�1124 (2010).
d Fu XZ*锛�Wang X锛孡iao DW. Physical characterization, electrochemical performance and storage stability of spherical Al-substituted 鈥揘iOOH锛孍lectrochimica Acta锛�52(14)锛� 2109鈥�2115(2007) .
d Xin Wang*, Shuohui Cao, Zhong Chen, Research on the Identification method of Ceftriaxone by X-ray Diffraction and 1H-NMR, Strait Pharmaceutical Journal. 2015锛�27锛�4锛夛細52 ~ 54.
d Xin Wang*, Zhenyao Zheng, Zhong Chen, Development and application of a simple liquid nitrogen transmission device, Laboratory Science: Instruments, Equipment and Technology 2015锛�18锛�6锛夛細200 ~ 204..
d Xin Wang*, Improvement of 尾-NiOOH and LiNiO2 cathode materials doped with Co, Chinese Journal of Power Sources: Research and Design, 2016锛�140锛�1锛夛細28 ~ 31.
d Xin Wang*, Zhong Chen, Daiwei Liao, Preparation of LiNi0.9Co0.1O2 material and study on its electrochemical performance, Chinese Battery Industry, 2009锛�14锛�2锛夛細113 ~ 117.
d Xin Wang*, Zhong Chen, Daiwei Liao, Synthesis, structure and electrochemical performance of Mg-doping nickel oxyhydroxide, Chinese Journal of Power Sources, Research and Design, 2009锛�33锛�1锛夛細33 ~ 36.
(2) Conference papers
d Zurong Ni, Xin Wang, Zhong Chen*,Coupling electrochemistry with NMR and its applications, Proceedings of Spectroscopy,Hai Kou锛�2010.12锛�
d Xin Wang*, Shuohui Cao, Zhong Chen, Research on the Identification method of Ceftriaxone by 1H-NMR, Strait Pharmaceutical Journal. Lan Zhou锛�2016.8锛�
d Xin Wang, Zhenyao Zheng, Zhong Chen, liquid nitrogen transmission device, China, ZL2013101859291.1锛孨ational Invention Patent
d Xin Wang, Zhenyao Zheng, Zhong Chen, a kind of liquid nitrogen transmission device, 2013.05.17锛孋hina, Utility Nodel Patent
d Daiwei Liao, Xin Wang, Xianzhu, Fu, Jingdong Lin, Alkaline battery positive pole material and preparing method, 2006.07.20锛孋hina锛孼L200610036590.9.