

Homepage of Jiaxi Ying (English, 中文)

Graduate Student
Department of Electronic Science,School of Electronic Science and Engineering (National Model Microelectronics College), Xiamen University.
Email: yingjiaxi@stu.xmu.edu.cn
Computational Sensing Group at Xiamen University

Biosketch Research interests Education Working Experiences Engaged Project Recent Publications Awards Patents


Jiaxi Ying obtained Master degree from Department of Electronic Science at Xiamen University in 2017. He is now at Department of Electronic & Computer Engineering, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology sdudying for his doctor degree.

Research Interests
d Convex and nonconvex optimization, Signal processing, Machine learning and their applications in data analysis and medical engineering.
d M.S(2014-2017)
Advisor: Prof. Zhong Chen, Xiaobo Qu.
Xiamen University
d B.S. (Sept. 2008-June 2012)
School of science. Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China
Working Experiences

In Oct. 2012 to Jun. 2013, I worked in Noise analysis laboratory, Jiaxipera Compressor Co., Ltd.

Engaged Projects
National Natural Science Foundation of China (01/2014-12/2017 )
Project: Ultrafast spatial-temporal four dimensional magnetic resonance spectroscopy imaging technology.
National Natural Science Foundation of China (01/2013-12/2015 )
: Sparsity-based high-resolution image reconstruction in fast controllable spatially encoding MRI  (No. 61201045, Principal Investigator: Xiaobo Qu )

Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province of China (04/2015-04/2018)
Project: Joint sparse reconstruction for fast multimodality MRI (No. 2015J01346, Principal Investigator: Xiaobo Qu )

Shanhai Fund of Xiamen University (01/2013-12/2015)
Project: Fast and high-resolution magnetic resonance microscopy with sparse signal processing  (No. 2013SH002,  Principal Investigator: Xiaobo Qu )

Recent Publications
(1) Thesis
Complex exponential signal recovery and its application in MRS
(2) Journal paper
Jiaxi Ying, Hengfa Lu, Qingtao Wei, Jian-Feng Cai, Di Guo, Jihui Wu, Zhong Chen, Xiaobo Qu*. Hankel matrix nuclear norm regularized tensor completion for N-dimensional exponential signals, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 65(14): 3702-3717, 2017.
Jiaxi Ying,Jian-Feng Cai,Di Guo,Gongguo Tang,Zhong Chen,Xiaobo Qu, Vandermonde factorization of Hankel matrix for complex exponential signal recovery——application in fast NMR spectroscopy, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing,66(21):5520-5533,2018.(SCI&EI,JCR 2,TOP Journal,IF 4.30)
Xiaobo Qu,Tianyu Qiu,Di Guo,Hengfa Lu,Jiaxi Ying,Ming Shen,Bingwen Hu, Vladislav Orekhov, Zhong Chen, High-fidelity spectroscopy reconstruction in accelerated NMR, Chemical Communications,2018,54(78):10958-10961,2018.(SCI,JCR 1,IF 6.29)
Hengfa Lu,Xinlin Zhang,Tianyu Qiu,Jian Yang,Jiaxi Ying,Di Guo,Zhong Chen,Xiaobo Qu, Low rank enhanced matrix recovery of hybrid time and frequency data in fast magnetic resonance spectroscopy, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering,65(4): 809-820, 2018.(SCI,JCR 2,IF 4.29)
Hong Zheng,Kun Zeng,Di Guo,Jiaxi Ying,Yu Yang,Xi Peng,Feng Huang,ZhongChen,Xiaobo Qu,Multi-contrast brain MRI image super-resolution with gradient guided edge enhancement,IEEE Access,6:57856-57867,2018.(SCI,JCR 2,IF 3.24)
Xiaobo Qu,Jiaxi Ying,Jian-Feng Cai,Zhong Chen.Accelerated magnetic resonance spectroscopy with Vandermonde factorization, The 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society - EMBC’17, pp.3537-3540, July 11-15,Jeju Island,Korea,2017.(EI)[Oral presentation]
d In 3/2019,Master's thesis won the 2018 China Electronics Society Excellent Master's Thesis Award
d In 4/2018, Excellent M.S. Thesis in Fujian Province of China
Won the School Excellence Scholarship repeatedly during 2008 to 2012
img Won “merit student” and “ activist for advanced technology” in 2010
img Won the Scholarship of SuZhou Industrial Park in 2011
Won the postgraduate recommendation in 2011
d Xiaobo Qu, J. Ying, Di Guo, Zhong Chen, A method of recovering high-dimensional exponential signals, China State Intellectual Property Office, ZL201510362290.9, authorization data: January 16, 2018.
d Xiaobo Qu, J. Ying, Di Guo, Zhong Chen, A method of recovering high-dimensional time signals in nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, China State Intellectual Property Office, ZL201510235929.7, authorization data: June 23, 2017.