Homepage of Guo Gang (中文, English)



Chief Physician, Ph.D., Professor


Email: guogangxm<|at|>163.com


Biosketch Research intersets Education Work experiences Professional affiliationsAwards Publication Patents and Registered Softwares Conference


Guo Gang (1964.10-), male,M.D, professor, Chief physician. Director of radiology department of NO.2 HOSPITAL XIAMENl; vice president of the Respiratory Hospital of NO.2 HOSPITAL XIAMEN; fellow of the American College of Radiology. Engaged in the research and diagnosis of nervous system diseases for up to twenty years.

Research Intersets
d MRI study of nervous system diseases
d Diffusion kurtosis imaging
d Artificial intelligence

Ph.D( Nov.2003-Jul.2006)
Medical Imaging, Shantou University, China


M.S. Candidate (Nov.1990-Jul.1993)
Medical Imaging, Shanxi Medical University, China

Work Experiences

2006-Present, Vice president
Respiratory Hospital of NO.2 HOSPITAL XIAMEN


2006-Present, Director of Radiology Department

d 2004-2005, Visiting scholar
University of Toronto

2000-2003, Director of Radiology Department
Cancer Hospital of Shantou University Medical College

Professional Affiliations
d President of Fujian NanQiang Cell Biology Institute
d Director of Joint Laboratory for intelligent imaging (Xiamen Medical College + Xiamen University + IBM )
d Associate director of Molecular and functional transformation center of Radiology branch of Chinese Research Hospital Association
d Standing Committee of China Association of Medical Equipment
d Member of radiological Committee from Respiratory physicians branch of Chinese Medical Doctor Association
d Standing Committee of Radiology branch of Fujian Medical Association
d Standing Committee of Radiological Technology Association
d The Sixth Designate chairman of Radiology branch of Xiamen Medical Association
d Chinese Journal of Radiology, Reviewer
d Neural Regeneration Research, Reviewer
d Journal of Practical Medical Imaging, member of editorial board
d Journal of Functional and Molecular Imaging, member of editorial board
d 2013, "MR study of chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency", Fujian third prize of science and technology progress, People’s Government of Fujian Province ,No.1
d 2012, "MR study of chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency", Xiamen third prize of science and technology progress, People’s Government of Xiamen Province ,No.1
Publication(*indicates the corresponding author)

L. Zhu,Q. Cheng,W. Luo,L. Bao,Gang Guo*, A comparative study of apparentdiffusion coefficient and intravoxel incoherent motion-derived parameters for the characterization of common solid hepatic tumors Acta Radiol,2015,56(12):1411-1418.

Gang Guo*,Yonggui Yang,W. Yang Optimal velocity encoding during measurement of cerebral blood flow volume using phase-contrast magnetic resonance angiography Neural Regeneration Research, 2011,6(23):1796-1800.
Gang Guo*,Yonggui Yang,W. Yang Cerebral blood flow volume measurements of the carotid artery and ipsilateral branches using two-dimensional phase-contrast magnetic resonance angiography Neural Regeneration Research,2011,6(30):2367-2371.
Gang Guo*,Yonggui Yang,W. Yang Validation of hyperintense middle cerebral artery sign in acute ischemic stroke: Comparison between magnetic resonance imaging and angiography Neural RegenerationResearch,2012,7(3):229-234.
L. Zhu,Gang Guo(*) An improved fiber tracking algorithmbased on fiber assignment using the continuous tracking algorithm andtwo-tensor model Neural Regeneration Research,2012,7(21):1667-1674.
Patents and Registered Softwares
Yonggui Yang, Gang Guo. "CEST Z Spectrum Recon", State Copyright Bureau. Registered No. 2017SR422106.
Yonggui Yang, Gang Guo. " CEST APT Imaging Recon", State Copyright Bureau. Registered No. 2017SR419341.
L.Zhu, Gang Guo. " DTIProcessingTool V1.0",  State Copyright Bureau. Registered No. 2012SR012629.
Fundamentals of High-Resolution Lung CT, People's Military Medical Press, 2015, Master Translator.
Clinical Application of image comparison, People's Medical Publishing House, 2009, coeditor .
Atlas of Whole Body Diffusion Weighted Imaging in Oncological Clinical Application, Science Press, 2009, coeditor.
Neuro-imaging cases for consultant Radiologists, People's Military Medical Press, 2007, Editor.
L. Zhu,ZP. Zhang, Gang Guo, et al. Preliminary analysis of micro-structural changes in different locations of brain tissue affected by acute ischemic stroke using diffusional kurtosis imaging. 2017ISMRM, Hawaii, 2017.4
L. Zhu,ZP. Zhang, Gang Guo, et al. Comparison of DKI metrics performance in common locations of brain tissue affected by acute ischemic stroke. 2016ISMRM conference, Singapore, 2016.5;
Gang Guo,L. Zhu,F. Chen, et al. DKI manifestation in patients with acute ischemic stroke 2015ISMRM conference, Toronto, 2015.5;