

Homepage of Xuanchu Chen(English, 中文)

Graduate Student
Department of Electronic Science,School of Electronic Science and Engineering (National Model Microelectronics College), Xiamen University.
Email: 1293097971@qq.com
Computational Sensing Group at Xiamen University.

Biosketch Research interests Education Research and Teaching Experiences Selected Awards Professional Skills Recent Publications Patents


Xuanchu Chen is a graduate student of Department of Electronic Science at Xiamen University in China.

Research Interests
d Cloud computing d Machine learning,Deep learning
d Ph.D. Student (Sept. 2023-Current) 
Postgraduate recommendation without examination
Advisor: Xiaobo Qu
Department of Electronic Science, Xiamen University, China

B.S. (Sept. 2019-June 2023)
Mathematics and Applied Mathematics,Xiamen University Malaysia

Research and Teaching Experiences
Selected Wards

09/2021, Third prize of "Internet +" College Students' innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition.


04/2022, Finalist of Interdisciplinary Contest In Modeling.

Professional Skills
Deep learning framework: Pytorch
Mastered programming languages: Python,Matlab,R,C
Recent Publications