

Homepage of Mengli Lu(English, 中文)

Graduate Student
Department of Electronic Science,School of Electronic Science and Engineering (National Model Microelectronics College), Xiamen University.
Computational Sensing Group, a part of Research Center of Magnetic Resonance and Medical Imaging at Xiamen University.

Biosketch Research interests Education Research and Teaching Experiences Selected Awards Professional Skills Recent Publications Patents


Mengli Lu is a graduate student of Department of Electronic Science at Xiamen University in China.

Research Interests
d Magnetic resonance spectroscopy d Machine learning and deep learning
d Graduate Student (Sept. 2021-Current) 
Postgraduate recommendation without examination
Advisor: Xiaobo QuJiyang Dong
Department of Electronic Science, Xiamen University, China

B.S. (Sept. 2017-June 2021)
Computer Science and Technology, Jiangxi University of Science and Technology, China

Research and Teaching Experiences
Selected Wards

07/2020, National Third Prize of the 11th China University Student Service Outsourcing Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition in 2019


11/2019, Provincial Second Prize of 2019 National College Students Mathematical Contest in Modeling


11/2019, Provincial Second Prize of the 2019 Jiangxi University Student Information Knowledge Technology Competition


06/2019, Provincial Second Prize of the 16th May 1st Mathematical Contest in Modeling 2019


12/2018, Provincial First Prize of the 2018 Jiangxi University Student Software Service Outsourcing Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition

Professional Skills
Master crawler technology and Flask framework
Master SpringBoot and SpringMVC background development frameworks and front-end development of WeChat applets, websites, etc.
Master programming languages (in order of familiarity): java, Python, WeChat applet language, C, Matlab, html
Recent Publications