

Homepage of Chunyan Xiong(English, 中文)

Doctoral Candidate
Institute of Electromagnetics acoustics,School of Electronic Science and Engineering (National Model Microelectronics College), Xiamen University.
Email: xiongchunyan@stu.xmu.edu.cn
Computational Sensing Group, a part of Research Center of Magnetic Resonance and Medical Imaging at Xiamen University.

Biosketch Research Interests Education Professional Skills Selected Awards Research Results


Chunyan Xiong is a doctoral candidate of Institute of Electromagnetic Acoustics at Xiamen University in China

Research Interests
d Convex optimization, Magnetic resonance imaging, Machine learning d Partial differential equation

Doctoral Candidate (Sept. 2020-Current) 
Apply for inspection
Advisor: Xiaobo Qu
Institute of Electromagnetic Acoustics , Xiamen University, China


Graduate Student (Sept. 2017-June 2020) 
national examination
tutor:Shuhong Chen
School of Mathematics and Statistics, Minnan Normal University


B.S. (Sept. 2013-June 2017)
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Xinyang college, China

Professional Skills
d Mastered programming languages: Python,Matlab
Selected Awards
06/2020,Class of 2020 outstanding Graduates
10/2019,First prize of the third Fujian Book Review Contest
12/2019,Second-class Scholarship for Postgraduates
12/2018,Second-class Scholarship for Postgraduates
5/2017,Outstanding Graduate of 2017
Research Results
(1)Journal Papers
d Chunyan Xiong, Chunyan Xiong, Chaoxing Zhang, Mengli Lu, Xiaotong Yu, Jian Cao, Zhong Chen, Di Guo, and Xiaobo Qu, Convex Dual Theory Analysis of Two-Layer Convolutional Neural Networks with Soft-Thresholding, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, DOI: 10.1109/TNNLS.2024.3353795, 2024 (SCI, JCR 1, TOP Journal, IF 10.45)
d Chunyan Xiong, Shuhong Chen, Global Attractors of Non-Newtonian Fluids Near the BCS-BEC Crossover, 2020, 23(2). (SCI, Q3, Mathematical Physics, Analysis and Geometry)
d 熊春燕, 陈淑红,费米子-玻色子模型中金兹堡-朗道方程组的整体吸引子,厦门大学学报(自然科学版)2020,59(01):94-100.
d 熊春燕, 陈淑红,Ginzburg-Landau方程组弱解的整体吸引子,闽南师范大学学报(自然科学版) 2019,32(03):1-8.
(2)Academic Monograph
陈淑红 ,熊春燕 ,刘帅著《超流体和玻色爱因斯坦凝聚间跨越的动力学行为》 (2020) which was selected into the "Research on Basic Theories and Hot Issues of Basic Science" series in the "14th Five-Year Plan" National Key Publications publishing planning project.
(3)Participating Events
Qinyue Shen,Chunyan Xiong..National Natural Science Foundation of China for Youth ,The project name :The measure of operator noncompactness in Banach space Item no. :11801255 , The host :Qinyue Shen